Release Day Blitz: Midnight Blue, L. J. Shen

Midnight Blue, an all-new sexy standalone from LJ Shen is available NOW!

Midnight Blue
Author: LJ Shen
Release Date: January 18th
It should have been easy.
I needed the money. He needed a babysitter to keep him from snorting himself to death.
I was cherry-picked especially for him. Responsible. Optimistic. Warm. Innocent.
The worst part is that I should have known better.
Alex Winslow. British rock star. Serial heartbreaker. Casanova with whiskey eyes.
“Don’t get near the devil in a leather jacket. He’ll chew you up and spit you out.”
Sounds familiar? That’s because it was a headline in a tabloid the second time he got arrested.
Guess what? I didn’t listen.
I signed the contract.
World tour. Three months. Four Continents. One hundred shows.
My name is Indigo Bellamy, and I sold my soul to a tattooed god.
Problem was, my soul wasn’t enough for Alex Winslow. He ended up taking my body, too.
Then he took my heart.
Then he took my all.
I was a semi-automatic weapon, fully loaded and ready to fire. I was my own downfall, and deep down, I knew it.
Midnight Blue was SO SO good oh my god. I live for rock star romances and this one had so much angst, I felt like I was in heaven while reading this. I legit wanted to read this in one sitting! Alex was everything, every-fucking-thing.
He first appeared as an asshole but he was just a lost soul who had been seriously hurt by every single person in his life. He couldn't take a step without being blindsided by something, some of those things were for his own good but still it hurt him the most to be lied to by his friends. But also there were a lot of things that he chose to not see, or that the drugs blurred for him.
My heart seriously hurt for him most of the time. He hid his hurt behind an asshole mask and a I-don't-give-a-fuck-about-anything attitude but my baby was lonely and tired of everyone choosing money over him.
“If you want me to believe you about not wanting me to fuck you raw, you should probably stop looking at me like that. Like you’re already mine,” he said, his eyes still focused on his notepad. I looked away, my face growing ruddy and hot. “You’re crass.” “And you’re full of bullshit.”
Stardust ( Indigo Bellamy), Alex's new babysitter for the next 3 months is a sassy, accept no bullshit kind of girl. She's little in size but strong in attitude. The perfect woman to put Alex in his place and to put up with his antics.
She has had a major heartbreak in the past that still affects her family and will forever affect her. It's part of the reason why she needs the money so bad and accepts to go on tour with Alex and be his babysitter.
Everyone knew that she would not come out of that tour the same, and not because she'd be 300k richer. Stardust has an amazing heart and she's the kind of person that wants to fix things/people but will she be able to fix Alex, or will she help getting herself broken?
“He’s a keeper,” my sister-in-law said before turning off the camera. I shook my head. He was the opposite of a keeper. He was the guy I knew for sure was going to walk away. I shut the laptop screen, my heart drumming against my throat. Alex tilted his body forward, his lips close to my shoulder blade. “I’m going to have you,” he whispered, “glue.” My eyes burned, and I stared ahead at Alfie’s blond curls as he looked down, playing a Nintendo game. For the first time in a long time, I knew I was in deep trouble. Something I couldn’t control. Because Alex Winslow was a broken vase. But I wasn’t the glue. I was the stupid cleaner who was about to try to pick up the pieces and, inevitably, get cut.
You can look at this book as having two parts: before and after the climax, or the big reveal.
Before is the tour, Indie and Alex getting to know each other, helping each other and falling in love. This was definitely my favorite part, I loved reading about them, even the moments where they weren't even friends. I freaking loved the midnight moments; they were everything. Alex really revealed his true self then and boy he was good, he still had plenty of faults and a lot of mistakes coming his way but boy I really fell in love with him then.
I love reading about broken heroes being mended and finding themselves.
The after, well that is just after. I won't touch up on that, you'll just have to read Midnight Blue to find out what happens and how Alex will get his Blue.
“Do you ever feel so lonely you’re not sure people are real anymore?” he asked. “All the time.” I swallowed, adding, “The Little Prince was lonely, too.” “He was. And he died. All broken princes die at the end.” I shut him up with a kiss. Alex thought about dying, and I thought about how I’d do anything to keep him alive, even if it killed me. The notion only intensified the magnitude of the kiss when our mouths closed on one another.
Another thing I really loved about this book was the LYRICS oh man, they were so so good. Seriously, I would get that album, I so would! Also, this was my first full novel by Shen and I cannot wait to pick up some of her other books. So looking forward to it!
I highly recommend this rock star romance to everyone who loves rockstars, who loves a good broken soul being mended or simply a good angsty book. Midnight Blue will make you laugh, hurt and probably shed a couple of tears for these two beautiful and broken souls. It's not a light read but it is a beautiful one that will leave you smiling and yes, reeling over everything that happened.
RATE: 5 / 5 roses
Nat’s words came back and haunted me like a bad haircut from the eighties. An irrational need to check the goods took over me. It wasn’t like he minded. According to the rumors, his dick had seen more cameras than Kendall Jenner. Slowly—so painfully slowly—my eyes drifted down his sinewy body. I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Whatever I had in mind, though, didn’t come close to the real thing. Thick, long but not atrocious. With thin veins running through its length.
“Nice view?” he groaned, tucking his junk back into his briefs. His profile was glorious. Strong jaw, pouty lips, eyes like sex…
My eyes snapped up when I realized he was talking to me. “I wasn’t…”
“Looking? Yes, you were. Next time take a picture. It lasts longer.” He rolled his zipper upward and flushed the toilet with the toe of his boot. He turned around and squirted soap into his palm, washing his hands almost violently—rubbing between each finger and scratching his knuckles like he wanted to shed his own skin. When he was done, he looked around for a towel.
I cleared my throat, scrambling to regain my wits. “Longer than the glimpse or longer than your performance?”
Casually—so unbearably casually—he wiped his wet hands over my purple dress. I gasped, moving sideways. It looked like he was about to open the door and get out, but before I had the chance to yell at him for using me as a human towel, he slammed me against the wall, bracing both his arms above my head and pinning me to my spot. I let out a shriek of surprise at the sudden proximity.
Alex Winslow is touching me. Willingly, my surprisingly pitiful brain squealed.
Heat rolled off his body, making my back arch and my breath catch in my throat.
“Let’s make one thing clear—I could fuck you to a point of numbness without even breaking a sweat if I wanted to. Now, careful, New Girl. If you don’t keep your distance from me, I think I just might.”

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About LJ Shen:
L.J. Shen is an International #1 best-selling author of Contemporary Romance and New Adult novels. She lives in Northern California with her husband, young son and chubby cat.Before she’d settled down, L.J. (who thinks referring to herself in the third person is really silly, by the way) traveled the world, and collected friends from all across the globe. Friends who’d be happy to report that she is a rubbish companion, always forgets peoples’ birthdays and never sends Christmas cards.
She enjoys the simple things in life, like spending time with her family and friends, reading, HBO, Netflix and internet-stalking Stephen James. She reads between three to five books a week and firmly believes Crocs shoes and mullets should be outlawed.

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