Cover Reveal: Another Sky, Jayne Frost

ANOTHER SKY by Jayne Frost
Release Date: May 7th
Photographer: Lindee Robinson
Models: Alexis Susalla
Nick White

Miles's story.
Serenity is a lie. Closure a myth.
Peace died in a field six years ago.
I survived. But I left the biggest piece of me there.
In the dark. Trapped beneath twisted metal, drowned in the pouring rain.
But then... A little ray of sun from another sky. Gelsey.
I wanted nothing more than to bathe in her light.
But what do I have left to offer?
Whatever it is, it’s not enough

About the Author
I grew up in California with a dream of moving to Seattle to become a rock star.
But when the grunge thing didn’t work out (I never even made it to the Washington border) I set my sights on Austin, Texas.
After quickly becoming immersed in the Sixth Street Music scene…and discovering I couldn’t actually sing, I decided to do the next best thing—write kick ass romances about hot rockstars and the women that steal their hearts.
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