Review: Never Apart by Romily Bernard

**This is a completely SPOILER FREE review**

This was my first ever read by Romily Bernard. I had never heard of her or this book before when I found it on NetGalley. What first attracted me to the book was of course the cover and title so I clicked on it and I read the blurb. And I was super intrigued, specially since it was not what I was expecting it to be from that title. I had to give this book a go because it sounded very intriguing and mysterious and I just had to find out what it was all about.

And guys, this book was FREAKING AMAZING!! I seriously wasn't expecting it, not that I had any expectations really but you get nothing of what this book really is from reading the blurb! I mean, of course you get a feel of it but NO, this book is so much more than what ever you expect it's going to be from reading those few lines of the synopsis. 
I actually would advise to not read anything and just jump into this book completely blind, don't read any reviews, don't get any ANY spoilers because that might ruin the amazing-ness that is this book! You're good to read the blurb, because like I said, it doesn't really give you anything of what this book IS. So yeah, blurb okay, reviews are a no go!!

I'm not gonna go into the plot, not even the characters, nothing because I don't want to spoil ANYTHING for you. Just know that this book is truly amazing, prepare yourself to be sucked into the story, to not want to put the book down until you know what's happening and until you know the freaking truth. Also, you're going to be frustrated, you're gonna want to take sides and question everything, and you will probably cry. MARK MY WORDS. I know I did. It hurt in the end, like seriously, even though it had been one of my theories, I did not want it to happen. I was literally shook. After I finished the book, I just had to lay down for a while crying and running over everything that happened, in my head. Despite that, all the hurt and the crying, I truly loved this book and what got me even more is that was not expecting it, I literally was not expecting this book at all! As I've said, it shook me and I cannot wait for this to be released so I can get myself a physical copy because this book deserves a place in my shelves.

Please give this beauty a read, I don't think you will regret it, ever.

Rate: 5 / 5 powerful stars


How many times would you die for love?

What if you had to relive the same five days over and over?

And what if at the end of it, your boyfriend is killed…

And you have to watch. Every time.

You don’t know why you’re stuck in this nightmare.

But you do know that these are the rules you now live by:

Wake Up.




Now, the only way to escape this loop is to attempt something crazy. Something dangerous. Something completely unexpected. This time…you’re not going to run.

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**ARC generously provided by the Publisher, via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**


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